Elk Treats
Elk grow new antlers every year. They start growing in early April. During their growth, the antlers are covered in “velvet” and have a firm but spongy feel to them. They typically finish growing about five months later and at the end of the growth phase, as the blood flow stops, they slowly begin to harden. The elk will carry these antlers for the next seven months and then naturally shed them so the cycle can start over again. It is at this point that people begin to search for them in the wilderness. By the time a naturally shed antler is found, processed and sold it is likely that a year or more has passed since the antlers began to harden.
Because we run an elk farm, our antlers are collected in August each year immediately after the antlers stop growing. We bring the elk into the barn and quickly and painlessly cut off their antlers. At this stage the antlers are full of nutrients. Not only will your dogs prefer the flavor of Post-Velvet stage antlers over older antlers, they are more nutritious. Our process also means that the high quality of our antlers is consistent. With naturally shed wild elk antlers it is not possible to know how old they are. Read the one-star reviews of our competitors and you will read some people describing splintering, which is a trait of old antlers. In the photos you see the difference in color between naturally shed antlers and Post Velvet antlers.
A better product for a lower cost. How is that possible?
Elk antlers are expensive. Searching for shed antlers in the wilderness has become very popular. People that do it may hike many miles over several hours in a day and yet still come up empty. However, the antlers that are found demand a big price by wholesale dealers. A single elk antler can be worth $300 to $400.
Our antlers literally cost us nothing. The antlers are a byproduct of us raising elk. Our original business plan did not include any revenue for antlers. We have decided to use our advantage by selling cheaper than our competition. Although our Post-Velvet antlers are much better and should demand a higher price, for now we are selling for less than our competition.
We grind our antlers to smooth over rough edges and sharp points.
Interesting facts:
It is common for deer and elk farmers to cut off antlers for the safety of the animals. During the mating season (rut) the males will fight each other and without antlers the risk of serious injury is greatly reduced.
The length of time that antlers are left undiscovered in the elements determines their grade. The longer an antler is left outdoors the more it degrades. Grade B and C antlers are white and chalky.
An interesting fact – in the mammal kingdom, nothing grows faster than antlers. In the “velvet” stage they have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.